The heART of intuition, Part 4: Where is your reference point?
If you haven’t already, please go back and read parts 1-3 of this series. The lessons are short, but please do not rush through them. Use them as an opportunity for contemplation, growth and healing. Where is your reference point? Is it within you or outside of you? Who do you use as your authority—yourself … Continue reading The heART of intuition, Part 4: Where is your reference point?
The heART of intuition, Part 5: The land of your soul
If you haven’t already, please go back and read parts 1-4 of this series. The lessons are short, but please do not rush through them. Use them as an opportunity for contemplation, growth and healing. Why would you believe that the solutions to the challenges you face are in what you’ve already thought of or … Continue reading The heART of intuition, Part 5: The land of your soul
The heART of intuition: Live from the inside out, Part 6
Speak before you think. Feel first, think later. Speak your feeling. Talk your feel. Intuition is really a gift. It truly makes it possible for you to know who you really are. The difficulty in defining it—the difficulty in working with it—is that it’s not something you “do.” It’s something you “allow” to come through … Continue reading The heART of intuition: Live from the inside out, Part 6
The heART of intuition, Part 7: A picture is worth 1000 words
If you really want to get an intuitive “read” on a person or situation, the best technique I have found is the following: Close your eyes and imagine that the individual you are focusing on is a rose. Then just see what kind of rose they become: what size, color, texture, luster, glow, etc. Note … Continue reading The heART of intuition, Part 7: A picture is worth 1000 words
The heART of intuition, Part 8: The final frontier is within
This is the last post in this mini-course, so let’s review the concepts we’ve covered. You can use this list as a review but I suggest you also meditatively reflect on what each one of them means for your life. Journal about them to help you internalize them, and start applying them to guide your … Continue reading The heART of intuition, Part 8: The final frontier is within
The spider, my master teacher, Part 1
Dreaming, weaving and embodying a whole new web of life in the age of Covid-19 amid sweeping social, economic, and political transformation. “…his body will cast no shadow on the ground for he will have awakened the sun within him.”—The Way of the Essenes Until you have taken the time to look within, you are … Continue reading The spider, my master teacher, Part 1
The spider, my master teacher, Part 2
Dreaming, weaving, and embodying a whole new web of life in the age of Covid-19 amid sweeping social, economic, and political transformation. A quiet early Spring Sunday morning walk: Where did I go? Recently on a quiet early Spring Sunday morning, my wife, Jaime, and I were walking our dog. I felt uncommonly dizzy early … Continue reading The spider, my master teacher, Part 2
The spider, my master teacher, Part 3
Dreaming, weaving and embodying a whole new web of life in the age of Covid-19 amid sweeping social, economic, and political transformation. “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field.” Picking up where I left off in Part 2….Our very dear shaman friend, Sarah Hawk, Jaime, and another friend helped me piece … Continue reading The spider, my master teacher, Part 3
The spider, my master teacher, Part 4
Dreaming, weaving, and embodying a whole new web of life in the age of Covid-19 amid sweeping social, economic and political transformation. A web of disempowerment and separation Now that I am very gratefully back in my body,, I have come to really, really appreciate it. I realize that basically all of my life I … Continue reading The spider, my master teacher, Part 4
The spider, my master teacher, Part 5
Dreaming, weaving, and embodying a whole new web of life in the age of Covid-19 amid sweeping social, economic and political transformation. Is this for me to do? I have a bigger ‘yes’ burning inside of me. Spend quality time with yourself. You are your most significant other. Reflecting on my life, I realize that … Continue reading The spider, my master teacher, Part 5
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