News & Events

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I will be in Colorado from Jun 9th to the 17th presenting in a couple of different venues: Gold Hill, Carbondale and Crestone. See this link for more information, go to:!features—-/c8lz

My presentation will be on: “Awakening and Engaging in the World, Compassionately.”


Our Beginning-less Beginning:
How to Experience Your Essential Nature of Oneness

I will be holding a mini-workshop entitled: Our Beginning-less Beginning: How to Experience Your Essential Nature of Oneness.

With all the chaos and extremism that is going on in the world today, clearly a lot of the old structures are being questioned and are crumbling. The only way to gain a proper perspective on it all and to stand in your Power is to go within and be grounded on the bedrock of your Soul. This mini-workshop can help you find your Way there.

WHEN: Monday, May 9; 7:00-9:30 pm
Abundance exchange $30
WHERE: Soul Spirit Connection, 122 North York Rd Unit 6 (rear), Hatboro, PA
TO REGISTER: Call Dottie at 215-858-4448 or email or call me at 215 295 5444

See below on April 4th for class description.


Evolution, Consciousness and Altruism:
Steering Toward the Omega Point

 The Adler Study, The New York Society for Ethical Culture,
New York City , 
2 West 64th Street,  April 12: 9 AM-4 PM

This is an Invitation Only Event, for Filming
but we want you to know about it 

Host:  The New York Society for Ethical Culture

Host Sponsors:   The National Ethical Service and The New York Society for Ethical Culture

Event Co-Sponsors (alphabetical):  The Center for Earth Ethics (Union Theological Seminary), Forum 21 Institute, Friends of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, The Interspiritual Network, Our Humanity Matters, Presence

Dr. David Sloan Wilson, author of Does Altruism Exist?  Culture, Genes and the Welfare of Others (The Yale/ Templeton Series on the Foundational Questions of Science) engages 20 International Thought Leaders.

PARTICIPANTS (alphabetical):  Tanja Andrejasic-Wechsler, Diane Berke, Adam Bucko, Richard Bowell, Rick Clugston, Karenna Gore, Myra Jackson, Kurt Johnson, Doug King, Robert Kadar, Anne Klaeysen, Yanni Maniates, Gaston Meskens, Mindahi Bastida Munos, Dena Merriam, Deborah Moldow, John Thatalamil, Mahan Rishi Singh, Rick Ulfik, Henrietta Weekes.
PUBLISHED DISCUSSIONS this spring:  David  Sloan Wilson, Matthew Fox, Steve McIntosh, Steve Farrell, Laura George, Catherine Bell, Tanja Andrejasic-Wechsler, Ken Kitatani, Herman Greene, Gaston Meskens. PUBLISHED to date:  David Sloan Wilson, Kurt Johnson, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Richard Clugston, Zachary Stein, David Korten, Kevin Brabazon, Doug King, Mike Morrell, Ken Wilber.

Tracking the Growth of Mainstream Science’s Shift to Altruistic Evolution



Our Beginning-less Beginning:
How to Experience Your Essential Nature of Oneness

I will be holding a mini-workshop entitled: Our Beginning-less Beginning: How to Experience Your Essential Nature of Oneness.

With all the chaos and extremism that is going on in the world today, clearly a lot of the old structures are being questioned and are crumbling. The only way to gain a proper perspective on it all and to stand in your Power is to go within and be grounded on the bedrock of your Soul. This mini-workshop can help you find your Way there.


WHEN: Monday, April 4; 7:00-9:30 pm
Abundance exchange $30
WHERE: Circle of Miracles 10 Beulah Rd, New Britain, PA
TO REGISTER: Call Circle of Miracles at 215 598-8002 or email or call me at 215 295 5444


Our Beginning-less Beginning:
How to Experience Your Essential Nature of Oneness

The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The mystics throughout the ages have all spoken of the ecstatic Oneness that is accessible to us all. As well, they have, in their writings and life stories, given us pointers as to how we may find It for ourselves. Also, there were Ancient Mystery Schools that taught techniques to help one attain this state of consciousness.

Join Yanni as he helps you to “Remember Who You Truly Are and to Forget Who You Weren’t.” As well, he will assist you in learning how to come into resonance with this Oneness once and for all!

God/Goddess is not a noun, i.e., a person, place or thing, nor is God/Goddess a belief system. God/Goddess is a personal, instinctual, intuitive experience of infinite, loving consciousness. God/Goddess is a “feeling” and not a “thinking.” So, the question then is: How can you lose your mind and come to your senses so that you can experience your inherent God-ness and Oneness?

In that “Beginning-less Beginning” a proto-type for a Divine-Human was seeded and we as a species have been evolving, however slowly, to a tipping point where we will all be able to actualize, experience and embody what it means to be that original Divine-Human, that Super-Human, which is the manifestation our full potential and our birthright.

Yanni will share stories, techniques and initiatory exercises to help you to “get it.” Actually you already “got it,” but you just need to be reminded.
Come learn to dwell in this Divine “Embrace.” “The Time” is now.

Deep Shifts and Remarkable People and Places
WHEN: Sunday, February 21, 2016 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 noon
WHERE: Circle of Miracles
10 Beulah Road

New Britain, PA 18901

I will share about my magical, mystical, recent trip to India; my meetings with some rather remarkable people in some very holy places; and the deep shifts on numerous levels that I experienced. As well, I will give an update on some of the Interspiritual work going on here in the United States.  If you would like to read a brief synopsis of my trip to India & see a few pictures, go to:


“EXPLORING SILENCE: Words & Practices of Compassion” Conference
WHEN: January 27-31, 2016
WHERE: Hyderabad, India.
Sponsored by The World Buddhist Culture Trust in collaboration with the Henry Martyn Institute.

Here I will present a paper entitled: “May You Be Free From Suffering, May You Be at Peace…”  At the conference I will meet up with some of my interfaith colleagues from the 80’s and after the event I will travel a bit in India and meet with a few others in Delhi and Vrindaban.



WHEN: Sunday, January 10, 2016 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 noon
WHERE: Circle of Miracles
10 Beulah Road
New Britain, PA 18901
Over the past few decades a new vision has been emerging, both consciously and subconsciously, among many different kinds of people worldwide, both religious and non-religious.  It is an evolutionary impetus that is leading us to a world consciousness that leaves behind the conflicts and rigid dogma of the literalist, self-centered mind-set and instead guides us into higher levels that are altruistic and universal.

This new vision is helping us all to find a common ground both to openly and deeply communicate with each other and as well to join in communion and service for the common good of all.  It’s not based on ideologies of the mind, but on ancient technologies of the heart.  Technologies and inner “knowings” that have been practiced, preserved and honed over the millennia in and through the great spiritual traditions of the world.  The rigid boundaries of one tradition versus another are breaking down and many people are now identifying themselves as spiritual but not religious; belonging to multiple traditions; globally or universally spiritual; and trans-traditionally or world-centrically spiritual.

It doesn’t matter whether we are female or male, indigenous or urban, scientist or mystic, Hindu or Muslim, we are all connected by these “golden threads” of spiritual wisdom that run through all the spiritual traditions and that are now beginning to be woven into a beautiful tapestry of Cooperation, Community, Love, Peace and Service to all sentient beings and to the Earth.  Yes, Ariadne has left us a “golden thread” to follow that can lead us out of our labyrinth of self-centered, materialistic, meaningless belief systems as well as away from the Minotaur’s steely, heartless grasp into a compassionate, inclusive world that works for all.

There is a vision now that we can all begin to grasp.  It is the evolutionary impetus that is carrying us all into a whole new relationship with our selves, others, the creation and all the dimensions, possibilities and potential that makes up this incredibly beautiful, majestic and mysterious universe we live in. Critical mass is being reached. A “heart” intelligence and an inclusive vision is beginning to come into focus.

In the 80’s Yanni was very actively involved in the worldwide interfaith/ecumenical work that was going on at the time.  Today he will share with us the vision of the recently birthed Interspirituality Movement, how it brings great hope to the world and how, full-circle, he has become involved with it all again.

Our beginnings never know our ends.
T.S. Eliot



WHEN: Sunday, November 15, 2015 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
WHERE: Community of St. John Baptist – The Convent House
82 West Main Street,
Mendham, New Jersey 07945

COST: $30 ($25 members)


The Spiritual Journey and the Coming Interspiritual Age: A Visionary Perspective

In their groundbreaking book The Coming Interspiritual Age, Johnson and Ord look at spirituality from a historical and evolutionary perspective and give us a glimpse into the transformative possibilities that the future holds.  Author Kurt Johnson describes inter-spirituality as “the sharing of ultimate experiences across traditions, making accessible to more and more people an expansion of consciousness through the many forms the human spiritual journey offers.”

While institutional religion maybe declining inter-spirituality seems to be on the rise. What is the meaning behind these trends? Kurt Johnson will speak about the shift to interspirituality and what is emerging within this important movement as we come to understand and embrace the mystic heart we all share.

Presentation followed by an inter-spiritual panel discussion.

Members Event – Meet the Author Pre- Reception
1:30- 2:00pm (Free to members)

Kurt Johnson is a well known internationally as a scientist, comparative religionist, social activist and former monastic. With a PhD in evolution, ecology, systematics, and extensive training in comparative religion and philosophy.

Kurt will be joined by Yanni Maniates, who was a major colleague of his during the early interfaith work  and has now become active again in the interspiritual network.

Watch the Living From The Inside Out Flash Movie

Click on the pictures below to watch this inspiring 3 minute movie.

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Sign up for my Free 16 part Email Course entitled: Being a Master of Your Mind, Makes You a Master of Your Life
Have you ever wanted to end the mindless, negative chatter in your mind which creates tensions in your body and distress in your life?

I have written a very valuable and enlightening 16 part free E-mail course.
After you sign-up, you will receive one E-mail lesson every other day for the next 30 days until you have received all 16.