The heART of intuition, Part 3: The mind is a “vestigial organ”

If you haven’t already, please go back and read parts 1 and 2 of this series. The lessons are short, but don’t rush through them. Use them as an opportunity for contemplation, growth, and healing.

Your programmed ego mind is basically useless—that’s why I consider it a vestigial organ—on some level at least. To access the intuitive, soul level part of yourself, you must quiet the external mind—the ego mind. As you quiet that mind and slip in between all your incessant thoughts and emotions, you then can begin to eavesdrop on your own soul, on your higher Self—that is, your intuitive Self, and on God/Goddess

Cease trying to work things out with your mind. It will get you nowhere. Let your whole life be led by intuition and inspiration. Let your whole life be a revelation.—Eileen Caddy

The mind knows only what it has been programmed to know, much like a computer. On the other hand, your heart/Soul accesses the infinite “knowing” of the Universe and therefore, can and does “know all things.”

With the ego mind quiet, you can sense or “tune into” the subtle energies and realms. It’s really that simple and everyone can do it.

Do you rely on your mind too much? In other words, on what you already know and believe rather than on the possibility of being inspired with new insights about yourself and others? Do you think too much? Take a moment to really reflect on these questions.

I’ll continue next week with part 4.

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