Intuitive intelligence, Part 2: More fun intuitive tuning-in techniques

This is part 2 of a two-part blog. If you haven’t already, please go back and read part 1.

Here are some more fun intuitive “tuning in” techniques.

If you want to know when a certain event will occur, create three circles that represent different time frames and then see which one lights up when you quiet your mind and focus on the situation. For example, one circle can represent one month from now, another six months from now, and another circle one year from now.

When you need a Yes or No answer to a situation, just posit a big screen in your mind’s eye and then see which word, YES or NO pops up when you think about the situation.

Don’t think when you do this. Let it all be spontaneous. No thinking allowed in this process.

If you want to get a feel for the veracity or intensity of a situation, just visualize a dial that goes from zero to 100 and then see what number comes up when you focus on the situation or the individual. Zero would mean that there is no truth to what you are focusing on and 100 would mean it is totally true.

If you are hiring someone, meeting someone new, or dating someone, and you’re trying to get a sense of whether this relationship will work out in the long-term, then create the image of three different people in your mind. Each of these three will represent either: (1) a person who is totally inappropriate, (2) someone who is fair to middling or (3) exactly the person you are looking for. Use real people you know who fit these categories to represent these three images. Then bring up the individual who you want to get a “read” on in your mind’s eye and see whose face of the three images pops into your mind first. This will help you to discern if you can trust or commit to them.

Another technique to use if you want to know more about a person you meet is to visualize the person as a child. How do they look: their demeanor, their stature, their clothing, the look on their face, the setting you see them in, the people or animals that surround them, etc. All of this tells you about their past and how they experienced it.

As well, you can peer into a person’s future by visualizing the person as an older person. As above, how do they look: their demeanor, their stature, their clothing, the look on their face, the setting you see them in, the people or animals that surround them, etc. All of this gives you a hint about what the trajectory of their life looks like now.

You can, of course, do the same for yourself. You can revisit your past and see who you’ve been. It’s often quite revealing and helpful to “sense” into what your childhood was like and how far you have come since then. We often choose not to remember much about our past. As well, you can peer into the future to see where the choices you are making in your life now are leading you.

This is all meant to be fun and a way to use your intuitive intelligence to give you a better sense of yourself and others. This will give you the inside-edge on people and situations.

I’ve taught at least a thousand people these techniques and their lives have been significantly transformed, empowered, and enriched by using them.  Give it a try.

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