How to “sense” a person, using your intuition

Let’s continue from where we left off. In last week’s post we focused on learning to connect with objects. Here’s how to “sense” people. It’s a simple and very effective way to hone your intuition.

As a person you don’t know passes by you, visualize yourself focusing on their heart area and then, with your mind blank, just ask: “How do they feel?” Happy, sad, confident, angry, hopeful? The first answer that comes to mind is the correct one. Don’t think about the person; your mind will lead you astray. Practice this as often as you can over the years—hundreds and thousands of people—and eventually you’ll know just by looking at them.

You can practice this on people you know, and people you don’t. You can do this for people who are not physically present with you, too. Just see their face in your mind’s eye and “feel into” how they are doing. In time, you will pick up a lot of information about a person in this way. I do this all the time with my wife and son when we are not together. It helps me to get a sense of how their day is going.

In doing this you are not judging the person, nor are you looking at them intellectually. You are sensing them with your intuition. You are observing them with the eyes and heart of your Soul. If you don’t judge, analyze, or measure a person with your mind’s limiting belief systems, a higher sense of awareness and discernment comes forward. You see the God within them because you are seeing them from the God-ness within you. You see them for who they are, not as your projection of them.

Be present in your own presence and then you can be present for others.

Play with these techniques for a while and see what happens. The more you practice, the clearer your intuition will become.

To see a World in a grain of Sand,
and a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and Eternity in an hour.

William Blake

…To be continued next week. This is part three of a seven-part series on intuition.

2 thoughts on “How to “sense” a person, using your intuition”

  1. Really wonderful Yanni- thanks. I’ve been practicing your intuition techniques over the years spontaneously as my spiritual life unfolded but the way you describe so simply these techniques is really helpful and a great refreshing guide. Rachel

    Sent from my iPhone


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