Your life is not a search for wholeness.

It is already an expression of That.

Stop trying so hard with your mind to find a purpose for your life. That will get you nowhere. 

Instead, still your mind and go within and you will experience the inherent wholeness which is at your core. You will know that you are a god/goddess in finite form who has come forth to temporarily take on your present personality so that you can increase your ability to be a conduit for and a manifestation of Love.

As Carl Jung said, “All of reality is not thinking.” Actually, most of it is not. Reality is a feeling or a vibration. You can’t understand anything unless you become one with it, unless you get inside it, unless you feel into it from the inside out. So, go within and feel first. Use your intuition and not your cognitive mind to find out who you are. 

The word intuition comes from a Latin word that means “to look or know from within.” So, learn how to go within and you will definitely know that your life and all of life is already whole. You no longer need to seek to find your purpose through a teaching, a teacher, a relationship, an experience, etc. It’s all there within you already. You are whole already and no longer need to look outside yourself for validation. Just quiet your mind, open your heart, and look within. There you will find your Self.

I know that all the above may seem rather esoteric, but I can assure you that what awaits you when you go into the Silence is so much more than any words can express. And once you have experienced it you will know what it means to feel and be whole and what to do with your life.

Learn to get in touch with the Silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose.
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

In the attitude of Silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness.

If you follow anyone other than Your Self, you will surely get lost. Place your attention into things to discover how they “feel” rather than think about, judge, analyze, and measure them. Live from the inside out. Practice awareness and discernment rather than thought.

3 thoughts on “Your life is not a search for wholeness.”

  1. Deep gratitude, in joy and the presence of silence within all Yanni. I so appreciate this forum of light and love and your divine contributions.

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