Mini Courses

A Mini-Course is a multi-lesson online course that you experience from the comfort of your own computer. In each mini-course you will find lessons on the topics (some with audio of video) and exercises that you answer and save to your own personal journal for that course.

The purpose of this type of teaching is to give you a personal and direct experience of the messages being taught in the course. offers you the following mini-courses:

Course Name:
The Heart of ‘Listening’
Description: Learning how to listen is the most important skill that one can develop; unfortunately, most people have no clue how to do it. In this course I will teach you how to listen from the "inside-out," i.e., with your heart and not just with your mind.
Cost: FREE

Course Name:
Being a Master of Your Mind, Makes You a Master of Your Life: 
The Art of Really Listening to and Being Present with Your Self and 
with Your Guides and with God/Goddess
Description: Have you ever wanted to end the mindless, negative chatter in your mind which creates tension in your body and strain and distress in your life? 
Well, this and more is what this Mini-Course will help you to learn how to do.
Cost: FREE

Watch the Living From The Inside Out Flash Movie

Click on the pictures below to watch this inspiring 3 minute movie.

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Sign up for my Free 16 part Email Course entitled: Being a Master of Your Mind, Makes You a Master of Your Life
Have you ever wanted to end the mindless, negative chatter in your mind which creates tensions in your body and distress in your life?

I have written a very valuable and enlightening 16 part free E-mail course.
After you sign-up, you will receive one E-mail lesson every other day for the next 30 days until you have received all 16.